Originally Posted by Slow_s10
Oh and my son has already named the car for me... he calls it Doc as in the name of the Hudson Hornet fron the Disney Cars movie because according to him it's a blue race car just like Doc.
Cool. Then name it "Doc" when you set up your garage entry for the car! ... BTW, I'd go with the ultra gauge again... cheaper and it displays more data per screen (six instead of four readouts).
And here is an interesting little read about 8th gen auto trans shifting characteristics. There might be hypermiling-useful data in those descriptions, IDK. With a good gauge that can tell you engine load, I would imagine you could select D2 or D3 for the characteristics described and "drive with load" at the most efficient level, thus getting more of the benefits of a manual in city traffic than we usually imagine possible for auto transmissions. Here:
Civic Automatic Transmission Shift Characteristics - 8th Generation Honda Civic Forum