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Old 04-22-2013, 02:54 AM   #243 (permalink)
B.O. Zen
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Folsom, CA
Posts: 208

Pickup - '99 Toyota Tacoma 2wd, Regular Cab, Short Bed
90 day: 34.62 mpg (US)
Thanks: 130
Thanked 141 Times in 59 Posts
The picture's not perfect, but here's the lip for the window. It actually came out pretty good. I can't wait to finish the rest of the way around.

I made the 2nd pass on the inside of the shell today. Same work, sanding the ribs alongs the sides smooth, caulking everything, and then resin and cloth.

there's a bit more to do inside at the very back. Once that's done, I'm going to run some ropes underneath the shell to support it and lay some glass to join the sides of the shell and the base that sets inside the bed of the truck. The way the shell hangs from the supports now is tweaking the base some so I need to get the weight off of it before making it permanent.

To-do list, now, is:
* Finish glass inside the shell - need to make one more pass at the back to complete the bulk of the interior.
* Put it on the truck for a sanity check to make sure things still fit the way I expect.
* Hang the shell upside down again but with ropes run under it instead of through it's bracing so I can start to glass the base that sets inside the rim of the truck bed. The way it's hanging right now tweaks the base some so I need to get the weight off of it before making it permanent.
* Box in the box for the awning
* Build the door for said box - I got a set of hinges that I think'll work for this at home depot today. The need to swing in in such a way that the recessed door will clear the side of the shell when it's open.
* Detail work, laying fiberglass along any unfinished edges
* Build the hooks that'll hold down the front of the shell when it's on the truck and fab up some kind of latches for the back. I haven't really though of how to do this yet, but I'm sure a trip to home depot will make it obvious. :P
* Aero test on the freeway
* Lay second layer of glass on outside of shell.
* Rig up legs for lift and install any brackets/bracing for them.
* Build rear (probably tri-fold) door
* Construct canvas sides
* Start prepping for paint on exterior of shell
* Loads of other miscellaneous stuff...
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