Who needs CAD for pre-visualization, when you've got ratchet straps!?
Not only is it quicker and real-world, but it also has the added excitement of unexpectedly smacking me in the face. You can't say that about CAD, now can you?!
In all seriousness though, one fir plank, with a little tension applied, bent into a really nice looking shape, similar to an image posted earlier in this thread!
I stopped at my Dad's to use the table-saw, bringing over one of the barn-boards to test. We chopped it down to a more manageable length, and then ran it through the table-saw. The wood is 3/4inch thick, so we cut a rip a bit wider than an inch, then turned it sideways and ran it through to get TWO pieces wider than an inch, and about 3/8inch thick each. That looks like a reasonable size for wood strips for building with.