Originally Posted by rmay635703
The thing is there really is no right way to recover lipo, if you do consider yourself very lucky 
I was just thinking about this earlier, as I was sticking a garden hose into the car's headlight to wash out the inside....
A number of years back, I was working with my Dad, who is a residential remodeler. In all my work with him, I was almost always the extra guy, so I didn't really learn a whole lot more than making walls disappear and then carry them into the dumpster.
However, this particular day, it was just he and I working. I don't even remember what the project is, but it often involves keeping a house from falling down while removing a load-bearing wall and installing a post or beam in its place.
He was sort of talking out-loud to himself, thinking how we would do whatever it was we needed to get done right then. I asked him
"Well, what's the RIGHT way to do this? You know, the industry-standard, accepted and proper way to do it?"
He looked at me and said something along the lines of
"You know, there really isn't one. You just have to look at it and figure out what needs to get done, and then do it in the right order. It's not like new construction, you have to account for whats already here and what has to be saved. Every project is different, no two house remodels are the same.
You just have to use your brain and figure it out."
At the time, it was a bizzare revelation. I always looked up to my father as an impressive person with skills and smarts to do his work. For a moment, it felt as though he had just revealed to me that he had been "wingin' it" for his whole career!
Of course looking back on it now, the big picture take away that I get is that it's not a matter of a right way and a wrong way to do anything. It's just
is there a way? Can it be done? Can you figure it out and make it happen?
As Master Yoda always says "Do or do not, there is no try"
So even though I feel like I'm always just making it up as I go, maybe I secretly am actually a pretty smart guy figuring out how to get through life?
Who knows - I just seem to wax philosophical while covered with Hurricane silt, sticking a garden hose in a car headlight!