I've always urged people (especially those getting really good numbers) to post details of their driving/environment. Context is everything!
Originally Posted by SpeedyCorky
2) your route is boarderline cheating! its on flat, deserted backroads where you can legally and safely go 50mph
Don't overestimate the benefit of flat terrain. Hills could return even better numbers, provided the engine is off in the descents.
Where I drive it's not
exactly the prairies - I regularly kill the engine going down hills.
The worst would be something in between: gentle hills that aren't steep enough to glide down the back side at a reasonable speed. (Of course the more you mod your vehicle, the faster you can glide!)
Also: I wish people would quit saying this type of driving environment isn't normal, or "real world". It may not be *your* world, but huge chunks (a lot more than 1%!) of the population live in areas like this: small cities/towns where there's an option of using secondary rural highways (instead of busier, high speed freeways) to travel away from/ in between them. Not everyone lives in a metropolis.
EDIT: and from your description of your driving environment, I'm sure you're right - you could easily be doing 90+ mpg if you drove where I usually do.