Originally Posted by JRMichler
You'd be surprised. At his current speed of 11 MPH, aero drag is at least half of his total drag. When he gets more fit and gets up to 15 MPH or so, aero is really significant.
Also, bicycle tire pressure really affects rolling resistance. More so than with car tires.
This guy knows what he is talking about. Her seat was too low but she has a nicer setup now (Raleigh comfort hybrid) and is really getting into riding now.
I want to get smoother tires but I do a good amount of "off road" riding on gravel and grass (abaout 15-20% of my ride) so I don't think that would be a good idea.
Originally Posted by UltArc
gains for aero, unless super lightweight or your trips are down hill both ways 
Like JR said, aero affects the ride A LOT. So it is more like uphill both ways. It is just absurd when I get upwards of 25-30 miles per hour.
I will get an updated picture of my "aero" mod but don't hold your breath because it's not all that impressive. I'm in the process of finding a new headlight and computer. I've got two more hybrid bikes just sitting there at the moment so I'm going to try to trade for a road bike this summer.