Originally Posted by sc2dave
...I have been blacklisted at*Ecomodder.com *not once, but TWICE! And the Forum Owner didn't even bother telling the rest of the members posting that I was blacklisted, leaving them to think I simply vanished like a thief in the night...
post 62
Banned=blacklisted. Or am I misunderstanding the situation?
If his mod works a couple tests could prove it. I would be a lot less skeptical if he would do the following rough experiment.
Using a very accurate non obdii fuel consumption meter such as an MPGuino, graduated cylinder for a fuel cell, FAA certified fuel flow meter, or the like.
Make 3 runs (with a warmed up car) (at a set speed held with cruse control) both ways down a relatively flat and straight stretch of road with an unmodified throttle body.
Record the mpg on each pass
Plop a modded TBI on the car
Make 3 more bidrectional runs. record mpg on each pass
plop the unmodded TBI back in
make 3 more runs. record mpgl on each pass
swap the modded tbi back in
make 3 more runs recording the mpg on each pass.
that's only 24 data points.
Post the raw numbers.
Along with temperature, barometric pressure, humidity and wind for each run
If the difference in averages for modified vs unmodified throttle bodies is statistically significant and shows less fuel burned with the mod kudos it works
additional considerations to insure a proper test.
The driver is given instructions on what speed to use and and where to reset the meter and take the measurement (must be the same spot on every run). The driver has no information about which TBI is installed.
I am sure that if there is a member of this forum near by they would be willing to observe/assist to insure the validity of the experiment.
If I was selling a mod that did not already have very sound scientific research backing it's reason for working this is the bare minimum of testing I would do to insure I was selling something that really works.