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Old 06-21-2008, 06:20 PM   #14 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Ok, it's in the car now and seems to be working properly. I have the iduino working with the arduino 0011 Alpha version.

The iduino is no longer cycling weird now that it's on a reliable power source (ie not USB provided).

I'm powering the duino with a 5v cell charger that I wired into the board. A couple of weird things are happing, though. 1) The iduino will not allow a program to be uploaded when the cell charger is connect (this is with it unplugged from the cig lighter). Also, the screen is somewhat hard to read. I think the contrast of the characters is lower for some reason (I'm thinking I might be under the needed voltage with the charger, but I won't know until I get my DVM next weekend.

Other than that, it seems to work. I drove around and watched the current mpg and it seemed to go up and down when it was supposed to. Now it needs a home.

If you guys want, I'll upload a pic of the board and where I added the external power leads. It'll be one of those "at your own risk" things.

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