Originally Posted by Old Tele man
I wasn't being facetious at all! Just suggesting a genuine K.I.S.S. 100%-mechanical solution.
Hang the pendulum from the rearview mirror, with the pendulum weight "centered" over a 6" x 6" piece of white cardboard with concentric rings (like a bullseye target) drawn on it.
The longer the pendulum length, the further apart the 'rings' will be.
The distance between each concentric 'ring' would indicate inclination. You could even do 1º increments (if you do the algebra/trig correctly) if you're really good at drawing concentric circles (use a compass).
To "calibrate" the device, simply "center" cardboard directly under the pendulum with the car on level surface, then "verify" the accuracy by driving up a known incline (a home driveway). Use: "rise-over-run" to calculate (trig table) the driveway inclination angle.
Oh got it! That makes total sense! I like the idea, but I'm really looking for a little digital display that will tell me a specific # in a set unit. If I could have this in my ultragauge, it would be even better, but I guess I will have to make my own. I need a way to measure what that pendulum swing is (or any other measurement device, say a gyro) and then display it.
It sounds like even though it might be expensive, the Gduino would be my best route unless somebody has another idea.