So after a few weeks of owning my UG, calibrating it to the right gas tank size and whatnot, a few fill-ups, etc. I am still having an issue with the display figures. My gas tank is 13.2 gallons and when I reset my fuel tank on the UG it displays 13.2 gallons.
Here's the issue: When I calculate my MPG using the miles driven on my dash display and the gallons used on the gas pump, I average right around 32MPG, but my UG is consistently (like the entire 350+ mile tank) around 40MPG. Because of this, the Miles to Empty is always off along with the AVG. MPG.
Another issue is the 'jumpiness' of the gauges. When I am on CC at 65 (on the dash), the MPH on the UG will usually be 63.4, but sometimes it will jump around to 62.X or up to 64.X. I know it's not a large difference, but what is causing this issue? The same happens for the RPMs as well. Not a large difference, but it is constantly changing, even during idle or cruise. The instant MPG jumps the most, making it difficult for me to determine what speed is the most efficient.
Any ideas on how to fix these little blips? Thanks!
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