Originally Posted by a8ksh4
Lol, i haven't entirely worked out the logistics of the clamping setup. I'm going to have two or three bolts that stick out of the front of the shell and, when I set it on the truck and slide it forward, fit into holes at the front of the bed. That'll hold it on at the cab end. At the back, I need to attach some kind of clamp at each side. Need to make a trip to home depot to look at parts for those... hmmm...
How about lots of short woodworker's "bar clamps"? They are pretty quick to tighten and release and using several down the length of the bed would increase the clamping force and reduce the likelihood of of them pulling through. I once witnessed an aluminum "topper" break free and lift off of its pick-up in the parking lot sitting parked on top of Mt. Washington in N.H. After all your work, no one wants that to happen.