Not sure how that post helps, where did I say my goal was to drive a deathtrap? That's why I put in the long "boring text" spiel, which I thought I wouldn't even have to, but even putting it in didn't seem to prevent a nonuseful post. :- /
Major safety strides were made in the late 90's to early 2000's - very little has improved since then. By definition. ABS and airbags became standard everywhere, and unless the insurance industry tests and government mandates change the safety requirements from 35mph frontal, offset, side crashes like they currently have, and start testing at say 40mph - nothing is going to improve either. That is unlikely to happen until every car gets 5 star ratings for everything, and even then there will be resistance by the industry, who to be blunt is facing bigger challenges trying to meet fuel efficiency requirements (forcing less weight) and emissions requirements, so that I doubt safety requirements will even ALLOW a much safer car to be sold anytime soon.
If i'm really concerned about safety engineering, i'll start a separate thread, probably on a safety related board. I'll investigate roll cages and 5 point harnesses. I have nothing against safety upgrades of any sort. There are improvements that can be done right now to existing cars to make them safer than things you can buy, because you get the safety that the laws require, and no more, for common market cars.
You're probably trying to be helpful, but i'm trying to keep this specifically about long life car modifications and research. Statistically motorcycles are far more dangerous than any car but I neither put down motorcyclists over that nor do I plan to rule out motorcycle commuting myself in the future. Heck statistically i'm far more likely to be killed by doctors doing everything right than I am in a car accident. : P My best safety preparations I can currently do is to keep a car in good tune, with good brakes and tires, not falling apart/rusting to pieces, having driver training and being an extremely aware driver never caught in "condition white".