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Old 05-13-2013, 06:41 PM   #4 (permalink)
B.O. Zen
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Folsom, CA
Posts: 208

Pickup - '99 Toyota Tacoma 2wd, Regular Cab, Short Bed
90 day: 34.62 mpg (US)
Thanks: 130
Thanked 141 Times in 59 Posts
Factoring in the value of your time, I don't think that some of the preventative stuff you mentioned would be worth the investment. For example, rotors, for me, last a long time, so I wouldn't bother pulling them off and driving them across town for chryo-treating when it's ~$30 to buy a new one.

If, after 300k miles, the motor finally blew up, then it probably would be worth doing some work on the internals with the new one, since it's already out of the car and can be torn apart. Polishing casting marks off the crank and general blueprinting stuff would totally make sense to do, probably as well as fresh gaskets for oil pan, cam chain cover, etc, that are prone to leaking.

Best thing to do, I think, is just keeping up with the factory prescribed maintenance. Fluids, grease the bearings, replace worn suspension components and engine mounts. Extra, I like to put dialectic grease into most electrical plugs that I take apart.

Hmmm... RedDevil mentions the rust... cleaning leaves out of vents and repairing any spots where the paint or underbody coating flake off are probably a really good idea. Inspecting the car every couple years is probably all that's needed here.
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