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Old 06-22-2008, 01:17 AM   #17 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Stuart, FL
Posts: 21

SeeOurWrecks - '91 Honda CRX Si
90 day: 35.59 mpg (US)

Accord_Inspire - '93 Honda Accord EX
90 day: 24.56 mpg (US)
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I have good news! The diode flip fixed it!

Bad news is it worked while I drove to work for the first time but when I got off work it only came up with a lit LCD, no characters displayed.

While it was working the readings were pretty far out, I have to fiddle and adjust.

I just got home and I resent the code and it's working now, don't know why it quit before.

Also while I was trying to extract and flip the diode on my board I pulled one of it's legs off

So I may need to get a new diode if I can't save this one.

But I have some questions.

1. Is it safe to use VIN and ground on the board instead of the power plug lead on the board? Is it the same?

2. I have some numbers that I know are correct when it comes to the car. Can you guys help me translate that for the code?

-The manual states that the vss spins 1026/min at 60 mph
-My injectors flow at 235 cc/min

So I figure I have to convert cc/min to Gal/uS, so I figured 3,784 ml to a gallon 3,784/236=16.1021
60,000,000uS per minute

Now I tried 4104 for my VSS and it was approximately twice as fast as actual, so I figured lower it to 2052. I'm gonna try that tomorrow.

But my injector rate sounds much higher than the saturn number of 404409714, that's less than half on a car that is somewhat similiar..

Also, a question related to the mpguino function/design..

How can we get it to turn off but retain its numbers, so it doesn't start fresh each time? Leaving it on all the time isn't really an option for me.

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