Originally Posted by Sven7
....Next time, if you're thinking about using the template improperly, just STOP and think about what you're doing.
Tyler, next time you feel like coming off as some snotty kid and know it all,
just stop and think about it - seriously.
There have been several recent postings on the late 1970's and early 1980's work NASA did at out at Dryden. It's information like this which investigates things outside an idealized 3D shape which I find most useful to our DIY backyard applications on real world vehicles.
The Dryden truncated boattail has been discussed many times in this forum without anyone suggesting the that template is in error. I don't see why it cannot be done again.
One of many NASA/Dryden PDF's posted in the forum:
Access forbidden!
Photo Gallery on several of their research projects"
NASA - Dryden Image Gallery
EDIT-1 ............image added:
Automobile 2 - Odds And Ends Photos by kach22i | Photobucket