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Old 05-25-2013, 02:53 PM   #6117 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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My controler second fail

Hello every one I want to publish short story of my experience with Coguar 500 AMP DC controler Rev D or C

I gave someone to build for me this controler he did good job with electronics on the Paul and Sabrina board but power board was DIY, it is own design which take less space - mosfets diodes and radiator are on top level, next level are steering board and capacitors.
I dit 75 miles and put 5th gear on low speed 25 miles
on my Alfa 145 95year
(1460 kg weigh 6Vx12=72V pack 220 Ah )... and mosfet cooked and break down, I had to turn off contactor couse mosfet sticked together and gave full power all the time.

We thought OK thats happened and we put new Mosfets as specyfied on this project. We put as well new resistors on mosfets gates and mosfets drivers and zener diode near driver. And he did not put this 3 small Polypropylene Capacitor ECW-F2225JB on power board maybe couse was not publish on schematic.

I have put more batteries 14x6V=84V and started engine few time without load. I did not conect cable for stering contactors couse I didn't had diode for contactors.
I did 1/4 mile and mosfet cooked - failed again faster than first time.

What we do wrong? I think this way:
1. Temperature is to high couse mosfets where in small chanel without air around.
Possible solutions from my point of view - I need to build new power board like it is in assembly instruction march 2011.

2. Mosfets are poor quality and one failed couse blown up all .

3. Steering board is bad design or need to be improved but many of you ride on this controler so this point is almost not possible.

For more soulutions please WRITE what you think for any reply thanks in advance.

Can I use IGBT instead of mosfets with this control board - rev.D without any amendments? Or maybe there are now better mosfets type than this 130A 200V - IRFP4668PbF ? I think to put cheaper one IRFP90N20D SMPS MOSFET MOSFET
VDSS RDS(on) max ID
200V 0.023Ω 94A - the resistance is bigger but three time cheaper.

My engine is 200 A 80 V 13,5 kW dc series the controled engine worked nice and smoth, throtle is very sensitive , I have puted John parametrs into software with 200 Amps limit but I am not sure this couse this was one year ago.

I have read last posts from 602 - 6018 and 6022 and I see Duncan got blown up mosfets like me, he want to put new mosfets with 20mohm and Power disipation 900W that is high, and the worse thing is that no one found why his mosfets blowned up - this should not happened, temperature braker circut should stop this, I do not know what to do now with this problem, maybe add water cooling one pipe driled through doubled radiator.
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Last edited by SEBART PL; 05-26-2013 at 04:33 PM..
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