Thnaks for the report on highway speed truck wash. I'll stay a bit farther over, as I do with most RV's.
As to the conerns of others I have the same "problem" (something to solve, not something to fear) with my 8,000-lb pickup fitted iwth an ordinary bed topper. The "problem" is exacerbated when my 35' travel trailer is in tow. Enough that I have bought a larger anti-roll bar for the Steer Axle, and will fit one to the Drive Axle. And maybe a panhard rod. These things do not come without their own price, either. No free lunch. The suspension rise with the wind acting on it is significant.. Without question best tire pressure is a must (not maximum) and the steering gear must be without any slop. IF the changes mean I must slow that much more in the rain, so be it. (Etc).