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Old 06-03-2013, 07:35 PM   #55 (permalink)
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Just wondering how your setup is doing. Is it working properly? Have you figured out how exactly you want it setup? How does it do with just the accelerometer and no gyro? How often does it "reset" itself and how fast does that process take?

I just realized, if I have a 2 digit display, that displays 7.2 or 8.4 or whatever, I won't have a way to display a negative. For large percentage slopes, I can probably tell if I am going up or down but for smaller slopes, it will be more difficult to know what the car is doing (up or down). I wonder, since their is a decimal point after the second digit, if I can set up the second decimal as my negative.

Trying to find a non-discontinued analog gyro/accel. is proving difficult! I have to try and find a tut to help me with I2C, because it seems that is the only way to go at this point. Have you seen anything regarding how to use I2C?
This page helped: Accel/Gyro Guide
I did find these:
Analog Gyro This one is waaaay to expensive though!
Serial Interface Gyro/Accel. This one says it outputs on a serial interface. Is that SPI? Would this work as an "analog" output?
Dual Axis Gyro This one looks to be analog, but I don't know if it would work for this application. It's only the gyro, no accel.
Analog Accel. This one is cheap, +/-1.5g and has (I think) analog output. May be a good option if I can't find an integrated gyro/accel.
MMA7361 This one offers analog output and +/-1.5g.

The only way to get around I2C, would be to have 2 separate shields, but finding a gyro by itself that uses analog output is fairly difficult as well. What's so different about I2C compared to analog (at least in terms of the sketch)?

Should I get some capacitors as well? Will it be of benefit for me?

Do you know what I should look for in a gyro? I see +/- 250, 1,000, 2,000, etc., but what is needed for this application? Is it the smaller the range the better like the accelerometer?
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Last edited by jeff88; 06-03-2013 at 08:03 PM..
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