Just had an ecodriving session with a senior couple: 79 and 80 years old. First session of 2013.
Weapon of choice: Toyota Corolla 1.8L automatic.
He drove while she observed. It was just about a perfect session, except that his first "baseline lap" had me nervous because the traffic light gods kept bestowing green lights upon him at most of the intersections! Had me thinking, "This is going to be difficult!"
Turned out that his being a wee bit of a "throttle stabber", plus the few stops he did have were rushed into with unnecessary late braking, and we did OK after talking over these points.
Even though I faced more red lights on my demo lap than his baseline lap, I squeezed out 5 more mpg
and a 1 MPH higher average speed.
So it all worked out in the end: with coaching, he got 14% better mileage on his final lap (and the highest average speed of all 3).