Add a rear wheel hubmotor and a high capacity LiFePo battery, something like 48V 40aH.
For example the 48V RoadRunner here:
This might be a good source for a low cost battery:
But get more than 20aH, you might need to hypermile to get 60 miles range out of 40aH. I'm not sure it will do long range, high speed riding, but you should get close to 60 miles range at 20mph. Actually I should not pretend to guess range, ask someone on an electric bike forum who has done it, at endless-sphere or visforvoltage.
Make a coroplast fairing.
This software will let you design boat shapes made out of flat plywood panels and will spit out the panel cut out coordinates which you could then stitch together to make a boat. Guess what, turn a canoe upside down, build it out of coroplast and it will work as a fairing.
I would build one if I had an extra $3000.