When I was in Afghanistan (not the best time for my brain), I thought that since beef jerky was low-fat, bacon jerky would be perfect!
I found a few places that sold it and after one humorous negative review of the first place I bought from the second, but it was not just bacon jerky, they were flavored, and it turned out that the jerky was actually covered in the flavoring. I felt overwhelmed.
They had different packages and I went for the sampler that excluded "muddy pigs" or something--chocolate-covered bacon.
I imagine that people have put bacon in ice cream, just like I once put cheese on a pancake.
Back in Germany, I was always frustrated that the chow hall cooked green beans with bacon. I was eating vegetables for a reason!
Then there was the vegetarian Soldier that I knew...
Eventually I realized that lean bacon is called "ham" unless you are Canadian.