Originally Posted by Grant-53
Air quick connectors are quick but not as strong as a solid connector such as a yoke and pin arrangement. If you are using air hose connectors, fill the male end with epoxy steel. The unit is much stronger in shear (right angle to the load) than relying on the unit holding together in tension. A safety strap or chain is a good addition.
Just how much shear load do you speculate is on the coupler? More specifically, how much shear is created pulling a 2 wheeled, 20 lb. trailer w/100 lb. payload? I'd wager far less than 15-20 lbs shear load. I would further estimate double that (40-50 lbs.) shear if the trailer catches a pot hole.
Here's the cad for one of mine.... (it regularly endures 150 lb. loads)...
And I've been pulling it with this at 25-30 mph for the last 4 years...