Originally Posted by UFO
Typical for a car with a whole lot of power, it's not built for top speed but acceleration. I have a track car with double the factory hp, enough to top out over 150mph, but I will never take it there as too many other things that will go wrong.
A typical super car has a very clear top speed, from my experience. Ferrari, Lamborghini, the smaller companies- when they make a car, they are always quick with the facts. This reminds me of the old Rolls Royce, where things are rated as "sufficient."
Not always is it accurate, but it's defined- of course wind, direction, temps make a difference, but they state a number. I have never weighed myself and thought "greater than 200" or think of my fuel economy as "greater than 30." The generalization of it implies that such a large number is meaningless- which I think is funny.