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Old 07-03-2013, 05:31 PM   #82 (permalink)
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So the best you can do with Paul Gipe's article is throw ad hominems at it?

Sounds like:
Originally Posted by t vago View Post
Can't attack the information? Attack the messenger!

Originally Posted by t vago View Post
So, this guy's the infallible expert on all wind turbines, everywhere?
Do you want me to google some more stuff for you? You apparently are unwilling or unable to do so, yourself. Oh wait, that's what you said.

How much of an expert on wind turbines is "Mr Anonymous" from Craigs List?
Originally Posted by t vago View Post
Interesting article about 14000 abandoned wind turbines

MMM-mmm! Love that clean energy! Especially the part where it says that more energy goes into creation of wind turbines, than is ever recovered by their operation!
No reference to the source of the "14,000 wind turbines abandoned" information, yet you bought that without question?

Your first linked article:
Originally Posted by t vago View Post
Magically grows the number of abandoned wind turbines to 15,000, and sources another blogger: 14000 Abandoned Wind Turbines In The USA | Tory Aardvark, which sources another article:, which sadly has been removed making it a non-source.

Your next linked article:
This also has no source, though someone asks for the source in the comments under the article:
I'm having difficulty finding any factual basis for the claim of Don Surber that some 14,000 U.S. wind turbines have been abandoned. I'd like to objectively verify that number. Any ideas?

Max Redfire Wheeler

Editor's response: We would suggest you contact John Droz
A little about John Droz here: John Droz | DeSmogBlog. While he certainly does his best to make a case against wind power and global warming, I could not find any reference about "14,000 abandoned wind turbines" on his site or in any of his material (granted, I did not go through every single word of every single article he has posted).

Your last linked article:
Originally Posted by t vago View Post
Did you actually read that one or did you just throw it in with the rest to make the others look more legit? There isn't anything even mentioned in that article about "14,000 abandoned wind turbines" Two statements come close to having the same words and numbers in them, but the words are not at all related to the point I think you're trying to make with the your first two links:
The move is expected to have major ramifications in states such as Illinois, where 13,892 megawatts of planned wind projects ... are seeking to be connected to the electric grid.
Many of those projects will be abandoned or significantly delayed without federal subsidies.
So, I still challenge this mystical "14,000 abandoned wind turbines" story; you can attack Paul Gipe (and me) at a personal level all you want, and you can throw out another 10, 20, 30 links of which not one has a credible source, but I'm going to call that figure BS until you come up with an actual real source for that number. I looked, and I certainly can't find it.
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