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Old 07-05-2013, 03:20 PM   #76 (permalink)
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I was going to post this under the improving diesel engine efficiency thread but since I may be using this at some point for Tigon and it can be applied to any engine I figured it was more appropriate to post it here.

I have a friend who builds electric superchargers that are light weight and compact. While all engines can be outfitted with a supercharger diesels can benefit greatly from one since diesels truly love more air! The best part about this design unlike your traditional supercharger is that it is electrically driven independent of engine speeds so it is not robbing precious horsepower from the engine via belt and pulley. The electric Supercharger takes electric energy via an on board battery bank powered by a wall socket or even better from regenerative breaking
Using electricity is a much cheaper way of giving your car forced induction vs other methods such as Nitrous that is costly. It is also more efficient and can be applied to any engine regardless of its size. So that small .5L diesel I am using in Tigon can easily be fitted with this device so the worry of finding a Turbo that is small enough is no more!

Another advantage is the small brushless (BLDC) electric motor that powers the Ogura Supercharger can also be configured as a multi role accessory. The 18lb BLDC motor can replace the standard engine starter and alternator on the engine acting as an integrated starter alternator (ISA). This creates efficiency as using one part for multiple duties. It can also act as an electronic AC unit and be configured for engine start stop or no idle scenarios as well as regenerative breaking.

I have been considering this for my Tigon diesel hybrid for some time now and may very well utilize this technology.

Link = Low Voltage Electric Supercharger | eCycle, Inc.

Link =
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