Originally Posted by SentraSE-R
It looks to me like you're extrapolating fuel consumption and distance from average mpg for guessed time at different % engine load, a very crude guesstimation of actual consumption, time, and distance.
The Scangauge II with performance upgrade allows us to log actual fuel consumption and distance every 0.4 seconds. No guesswork, no estimates. All you have to do is maintain the % engine load from speed A to speed B. See this thread.
I actually used the car FCD by resetting the gauge just before the test, then toggling the gauge right after the test.
This updates immediately compared to every 0.4 seconds from the ScanGauge. I think my ScanGuage is even slower than this, as the temperature readings when climbing hills take much longer. However that could be due to the sensor itself.
You don't specify how to get the data off of the ScanGauge after each test?
Can you elaborate?
Thanks, Jim.