Good Video Freebeard,
While I have also planned my battery solution for Tigon around Supercaps such as viewed in the video it is far from where it needs to be to render the ICE obsolete or coming hybrid drives. Currently Supercaps in conjunction with batteries will increase battery life and help reduce weight in a hybrid or ICE as you have seen in the video. Still the problem is energy capacity and until electric storage devices can catch up to fossil fuels which may never happen they will not be the end game.
Do I think it will happen? I do but not in my life time unfortunately
Do I hope it happens? absolutely
But until then using supercaps in conjunction with batteries has huge potential in hybrid drives and is why I will be utilizing it in my Tigon diesel electric hybrid car and is why in the next 10 years we will start to see them slowly replace Lead acid batteries in our transportation vehicles.
Good stuff my friend talk to you later,