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Old 07-11-2013, 04:51 AM   #692 (permalink)
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I wondered what you'd think when I saw that.

kach22i -- mrscharroo most interesting photos on FlickeFlu is pure gold. But boy is it an unfriendly website ('No right-clicking for you!'). The same material in a friendlier format, sorted better and with supporting captions is at Flickr: mrscharroo's Photostream

While I recognized a few, the Standard Superior, the Cord, the Maifly—I was completely blown away by how many were totally new to these weary old eyes. It turns out rebodied Isettas with conventional doors were a thing. Who knew?

#242Microcar or Macrocar 1952
That's the Mott Taylor Aerocoupe

#15 Claveau 1927
This is easily my favorite, I could graft that nose onto my Very Light Volkswagen Concept. Can you see the similarity to a VW Beetle door?
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