That was an almost three week fill. Could have gone a bit longer, but better safe than sorry

. Less driving is better, but I live in the sticks and work in a town(20 miles away). I'd rather be closer to work, too

. We finally have some summer weather and I believe that is what's giving me the great numbers. I really need to get some LRR tires. The H-rated tires are getting a bit thin and I think I can feel a broken belt in one of them.
Also, looks like I won't have have any time to work on the car any time soon as the business I've been trying to get off the ground, for the past two years, has finally started to taxi down the runway, so to speak. Once I have a set date, everyone will be invited to the "Open House". It should be after the first of the year, and as it is a distillery, there should be plenty to drink
