What is this terribly fuzzy picture? It's a cell phone photo I took a week or so ago of the battery pack gauge/monitor while driving up a hill -- that is, with the pack under load.
What does it tell me? The batteries are more or less doing OK. Relative to one another, there isn't a huge amount of difference in the voltage (amount of sag) between them.
Yes, I purposely installed the batts in order of strongest to weakest going from left to right on the gauge. So I mostly keep an eye on #8 over there on the right to make sure I don't extinguish the bottom LED on its scale -- that would be
battricide territory (volts less than 5.25).
And, no, I still haven't mounted the gauge in the instrument panel. It's still sitting on top of the dashboard like it was oh, about 5 years ago.

Nothing as permanent as a temporary solution!