Thread: 70.91mpg...
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Old 07-20-2013, 10:19 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Well.. I'm not sure how I feel about this tank. On the one hand I feel like I might have been a little obsessive, hypermiling as hard as I did to achieve this. On the other hand I feel kind of like a bada$$ for pushing my little red brick over 70mpg!!

I'm realizing how much work (driving style mostly) it took to get to this point, and how much harder it will be to match/beat this in the future. I've been contemplating what it would take to get to 80mpg and I'm wondering if I should take a step back and just be thankful for what I've got or if I should push forward into heavier mods like boat tails and camshaft alterations.

So far my financial investment into hypermiling is next to nothing (probably $50), so I'm about $475 over epa estimates. Should I spend that money and take the mods to the next level?

edit: Or do I skip all that monkey motion and go for an EV build?

Last edited by mikeyjd; 07-20-2013 at 10:38 PM..
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