Haha, it seems people pass me more easily, though there still is the odd one who slams on his brakes and rides my ass for a mile before moving left, smashing the gas and speeding by. On the whole, I like it and think I'll keep it.
Did some ghetto-roaming today, but didn't really get Civic pics until the end. This is off Michigan Avenue (on the West side of Detroit) near the famous ruins of Michigan Central Station.
You can kind of see the new-and-improved grille blocks painted with plasti-dip. Rad is about half closed off now, with about 1/4 of the grille exposed.
Testing out Ipernity's linking capabilities... I quit Flickr after the fiasco.
Civic @ MCS par
Tyler Linner, on ipernity
Civic par
Tyler Linner, on ipernity
Civic in Corktown par
Tyler Linner, on ipernity