For my Civic, I have Kumho all seasons and Michelin (low rolling resistance) winter tires. I run the Michelins in mid-50's psi and the Kumhos in upper 50's. Tread wear has been nice, not going thin at the center as so many have predicted.
This is my second set of Kumho's, and the second set to have side bubbles and supposedly belt separation. No such issues with the more expensive Michelins.
I bought some used tires (Kelly brand, cheapos) on rims for my Accord, presumably not overinflated by previous owner. Some of those have side bubbles too.
I definitely see fuel economy improvements from increased pressure. I'm also convinced that lower priced tires will have issues regardless of air pressure.
Coast long and prosper.
Driving '00 Honda Insight, acquired Feb 2016.