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Old 07-26-2013, 04:53 AM   #12 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by euromodder View Post
Effectively, the advent of DPFs has killed off a triving German 100% biodiesel production - mostly Rapeseed Methyl Ester in Germany.
That's really a bad effect from the DPF trend. Well, maybe if the DPF could retain more exhaust heat (possibly with an insulated coating on the outside and its core made out of some composite with a higher thermal conductibility), and getting its regen independent from the main injection cycles as already happens in some engines such as the Duramax and the current-generation Powerstroke, the oil contamination and DPF damage issues would be less frequent. Getting rid of the EGR is also better for the reasons already pointed out, such as the heat rejection thru the exhaust instead of the cooling circuit, and due to the absence of a direct interference into the combustion process it would allow a more accurate control of injection timing, which is also beneficial to decrease both NOx and fuel consumption, thus also requiring a lesser amount of DEF aftertreatment.
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