It is not oversteer exactly, it is more of a really light rear end not having enough traction to hold the road. Like I said earlier, My brother and I picked it up and swung it around to get it where it is now. The front end is much heavier. It doesn't help that the engine weight is semi-cantilevered. It has always been light in the rear.
I thought it would be fun to have a mid engine car since it is under construction already. I love the feel of a rear wheel drive compared to front wheel drive. It would be partly for fun.
I was thinking of keeping putting front hubs on the rear beam and extending the beams past the hub so there is about a foot sticking out toward the rear and putting air springs on them. That would support the extra weight and would reduce roll. I could also put air on the front end. I have some rear air shocks from the caddy that I could fab in. If those won't work, I could always put air springs in the front. I have them in the truck and they work wonders.