Well, there wasn't much in the way of competitions - there were prizes for highest mileage, farthest traveled & whatnot & a raffle ofc but it was all for the fun of it, most didn't even know about the raffle & prizes... doubtlessly the taddy would have won "best in class" & "fuel economy" were there such classes lol, TBH the best prize was jus' being able to roll with like minded folk.
What you're seeing in the pics isn't dryness - it's a bed of pine needles, that section of the camp is in a small spruce forest. It's been raining intermittently but nearly constantly all season so far and I'll admit it's getting irritating. It did relent on Saturday, the main event day & I'm thankful for that at least, but I was forced to set up camp in a drizzle on Friday & I managed to tear down before it rained on Sunday... but it caught me on my way home anyway.
...at least it isn't snowing
Interesting footnote, the T3's fuel tank is just under a gallon & I topped it off for the event - rode the bejabbers out of the thing all weekend long with about a hundred miles racked up, got home to find I still had a little over half a tank. While I'm still having some difficulty establishing it's actual fuel efficiency due to
so many variables, that's a pretty good example of "worst case" or baseline mileage as it was either heavily laden w/the trailer in tow or screaming full-tilt boogie runnin' redline trying to keep up with the scoots...
Not too shabby I figure