05-06-2013, 06:36 AM
#91 (permalink)
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05-07-2013, 12:44 PM
#92 (permalink)
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Thanks bobo333 - Nice bike man, I started out w/one very similar & it served me well for years! I dunno if I'd call that rack "tiny" heh, it's bigger than I have on my ebike, the one I use for grocery runs... but I tend to put the foodstuffs in a duffel & sling it on my back, letting the rack support the weight. That way I can load down with far more than the rack alone could hold & anything that doesn't fit can still get strapped down.
I wish I could help with the trailer, but from what I've seen it's a compromise - a trailer that isn't quite right or just making one yourself, particularly with the greater weights hauled & the speeds of a motorized bike. Don't get me wrong, there's some nice trailers out there... it's just none of them were quite what I had in mind, some of the better ones have utterly astronomical prices that are hard to justify w/such a simple unit.
The single-sided axle mount hitches are a touch dicey with our application, the axle & it's fasteners already under more strain than intended by the motorization. While they put up w/it, it's getting close to the edge as you've prolly discovered w/the shift kit. That freewheel bearing in the three piece pedal crank is right on the edge of what it can deal with if you've gotten the motor sorted (even if you've the 'Diamond' bearing) so when you get a trailer, take her easy w/it - I've gone through three on my shifter gas bike, but that's my "racing" bike so stuff happens lol
There's trailer designs with a two-point mount & yoke, far stronger & more stable than the single offset like this for example: Amazon.com: Frugah Steel Bicycle Cargo Trailer
...but while that particular trailer has some horrible reviews, it might be something to consider for parts (to build your own) or to get & use, knowing that it's cheese, but cheese that can be modified & upgraded. Only catch is with that design it can only lean if it's left a single wheel & I needed a dual wheel trailer for the weight & stability *shrug* Just some thoughts
Thanks for the reply!
Lots of points to think about, im pretty sure im gonna go with a dual wheel setup as it seems they can carry a lot more load and im not sure exactly what it will be used for yet, better to be too big than too small i recon!
Ive seen some reviews on those little Lepai amps that rate them quite highly and with the efficiency of those small computer speakers it should be quite a nice setup for camping!
As for crossovers if you can find out what frequencies the speakers like to play and your handy with a soldering iron its not hard to make your own, there are plenty of crossover calculators on the net that tell you what components to get, placing them in line with the speaker wiring is easy enough and should provide enough cutoff for a nice listenable setup
05-27-2013, 07:58 PM
#93 (permalink)
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Wow, this is a fantastic project. If you were selling them i'd buy one tomorrow!
Edit: couldn't help myself but to imagine this thing with the front wheels moved forward and with an aero body over it... so here's a quick, messy photoshop sketch. Go for it!
(drawn over these criteria)
He gave me a dollar. A blood-soaked dollar.
I cannot get the spot out but it's okay; It still works in the store
Last edited by Sven7; 05-27-2013 at 08:33 PM..
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05-31-2013, 11:47 PM
#94 (permalink)
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A fine looking rendering. I would suggest a slightly longer and lower nose. The rear view mirrors, defroster, and windshield wiper plus the lighting package should make it road worthy. Sun roof anyone?
07-21-2013, 02:13 AM
#95 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Sven7
Wow, this is a fantastic project. If you were selling them i'd buy one tomorrow!
Edit: couldn't help myself but to imagine this thing with the front wheels moved forward and with an aero body over it... so here's a quick, messy photoshop sketch. Go for it!
(drawn over these criteria)
Thank you Sven7 and that "messy" photoshop is simply gorgeous!
There are however difficulties with moving the wheels forward, generally speaking it's "impossible" with this chassis design (impossible is ofc relative, unrealistic perhaps). If it wasn't a tribrid, if there were no pedals & the room required for my feet during the pedal strokes I could perhaps reconfigure it... but then it wouldn't be a "tribrid" lol
& BTW, sorry for my absence folks - it's the sunny summertime so I've just been out riding & playing w/the taddy... not much to report really, but sometimes that's a good thing
While the taddy hasn't required any repairs or refinements of late, I did however "upgrade" the following widget to what I now like to call "the leech" a small & portable power pack that's capable of charging/powering any/all of my camping gear, trickle charging/maintaining the taddy or recharging from it - as well as accepting charge from solar/110v AC, 24v or 12v DC, I skipped the 36v DC input as the taddy already has a 36v to 12v (and 12v to 36v) converters;
Originally Posted by BarelyAWake
a small example is this lil setup I threw together just to jam out while setting up the tent;

which is now this;

Last edited by BarelyAWake; 07-21-2013 at 02:21 AM..
08-03-2013, 01:55 AM
#96 (permalink)
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Well, last weekend I attended the First Annual Ski's Shrimp Run & as it turns out I had the only motorized bik... erm trike at the rally, but they're not that common 'round here so that's no surprise lol - in any case it was a lot of fun riding w/the scoots & peds with a simply amazing turnout! There was roughly 100+ riders with machines of all shapes, sizes and years & folks from all over the place, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, & more, from pretty much everywhere in the NE, there were even a bunch of people from Canada.
I was defo dwarfed in engine size with most being 150-400cc, but there were a good number of 50cc scoots & peds so I didn't feel too outclassed heh, the run was kept to about 30mph to account for us lil guys so we all had great time, we even had a chase truck & trailer just in case somebody popped but fortunately no one needed their generous offer.
I really should have taken more pics... but TBH I was having such a blast I missed shooting most of the best stuff but here's some of what I did get if yer interested, it was raining when I showed up at the campground on Friday - but Saturday was rally day and it was gorgeous out as you can see;
Motorized bikes or not, alternative transportation enthusiasts tend to be open minded & everyone was really friendly, we had such a good time I'll defo be going again next year! The only "complaint" I had throughout the entire event is I ended up with a serious case of cup-holder envy, I have got to figure one out lol
08-03-2013, 08:23 AM
#97 (permalink)
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That looks like a blast. I bet they all had tent/ trailer envy after seeing your rig. Did you get judged for "best modified" or "best fuel economy"?
It looks kind of dry there? Most of the eastern USA is above average on rain this year.
08-03-2013, 11:38 PM
#98 (permalink)
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Well, there wasn't much in the way of competitions - there were prizes for highest mileage, farthest traveled & whatnot & a raffle ofc but it was all for the fun of it, most didn't even know about the raffle & prizes... doubtlessly the taddy would have won "best in class" & "fuel economy" were there such classes lol, TBH the best prize was jus' being able to roll with like minded folk.
What you're seeing in the pics isn't dryness - it's a bed of pine needles, that section of the camp is in a small spruce forest. It's been raining intermittently but nearly constantly all season so far and I'll admit it's getting irritating. It did relent on Saturday, the main event day & I'm thankful for that at least, but I was forced to set up camp in a drizzle on Friday & I managed to tear down before it rained on Sunday... but it caught me on my way home anyway.
...at least it isn't snowing
Interesting footnote, the T3's fuel tank is just under a gallon & I topped it off for the event - rode the bejabbers out of the thing all weekend long with about a hundred miles racked up, got home to find I still had a little over half a tank. While I'm still having some difficulty establishing it's actual fuel efficiency due to so many variables, that's a pretty good example of "worst case" or baseline mileage as it was either heavily laden w/the trailer in tow or screaming full-tilt boogie runnin' redline trying to keep up with the scoots...
Not too shabby I figure 
09-21-2013, 02:57 AM
#99 (permalink)
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Tonight's "midnight run" & I 'membered to take a few shots of the taddy lol;
Being the wee hours of Saturday mornin' there was a patrol car lurkin' the turn off going down to the docks ofc, I stopped and said howyabe & mentioned what I was up to, that I didn't wanna freak 'em out any. They laughed and said thanks, then complemented the lighting on my ride
They musta been bored as heck, there wasn't a car to be seen as per the norm 'round these parts - just the ride, the road & the occasional gleam of some critter's eyes watchin' & wonderin' what the heck I was up to 
04-03-2014, 06:38 AM
#100 (permalink)
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Safe from the salt & ice, the T3 has been hibernating... for far too long;
Unplug the umbilicals, change the oil & refuel, check the pressure in all the tires & shocks, haul it out, fire it up & away we go!
First ride of the season yessiree bob & everythin' is as fine as fine can be
I love spring 
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