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Old 06-25-2008, 07:58 PM   #15 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by SVOboy View Post
Probably a good idea. Perhaps my reaction is a little strong, but I think I should contextualize.

There's lots of negative press, and negativity surrounding hypermiling right now. Even when people get on TV and do very moderate stuff I've talked to people (in real life) who tell me they think it's ridiculous or unlawful or dangerous. When I was doing a radio interview this morning I was asked about the "Craziest" thing hypermilers do, because a lot of the press has turned into a zoo-like "look at this nutjob" type thing, and that's really difficult to counteract.
Why don't you start a thread on that interview and the zoo like atmosphere. It would be interesting. That's why I'm a eco-driver and not a hypermiler.
"Judge a person by their questions rather than their answers."

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