So what else has been done with the 1.9L TDI engine that could out do the Project Sipster?
Well you have the kids out in West Philly who used the engine combined with a hybrid design of there own to achieve an incredible 160mpge that was confirmed I believe from there EVX GT project and was also entered into the automotive X prize
Link to an article about there car =
The West Philly Students Who Build Supercars - 2011 Breakthrough Award Winner - Popular Mechanics
Here is a link to there car build site which offers in depth specs on there cars =
PIAXP Entries
So between project Sipster and this EVX GT build there should be little doubt as to achieving 100mpg from a 1.9L TDI with TIGON which will be hands down lighter and much more aerodynamic than either of the 2 cars discussed!