Originally Posted by tjts1
The only insane thing is wasting not only your time but other people's time because you want to save a penny per mile.
No. You're required to move over to the right regardless of the speed limit.

It doesn't say anything about speed limit.
Anyone going 65 mph in the left lane can stay as long as they like on a road that has a 65 mph speed limit and that sign. It would be illegal to go any faster than 65 mph, so technically speaking a person going 65 mph is the fastest on the road. Those going slower than the speed limit are required to move over to the right unless they are passing slower traffic. As for law enforcement, they are going to pull over the people speeding and not the person driving the speed limit in the left lane.
And about wasting time, you are once again ignoring the facts everyone knows. A person going 70 mph only saves about 9 seconds of time per mile of driving. Assuming my commute is 50 miles, it only takes me 8 more minutes to get there. And to gain 8 minutes we have to assume the drive is perfect. In reality, stop signs and traffic reduce the effect of higher speeds. In the real world the person going 70 mph would only gain about 5 minutes of time compared to the person going 60. Out of about 45 minutes of driving, 5 minutes is nothing. But in exchange for those 5 minutes I gain about 5-7 mpg by reducing my speed. It's not wasting time when I drive slow. It's saving gas. I consider driving above 60 mph wasting gas instead of gaining time.