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Old 08-09-2013, 05:58 PM   #171 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by songman View Post
I thought we had road rage problems in the UK. Going by this thread, US drivers are in a state of permanent meltdown.

I understand the law says what it says. I was giving my opinion about it, ie. it's batty.

If the speed limit is 65, and I'm doing 60, the suggestion that I should accommodate others because my speed is too slow is absurd to me. If they're that desperate about a driver who's doing just 5MPH under the maximum speed, how about they overtake? When did that go out of style?

If I have to actually break the speed limit to accommodate a bunch of nutters coming up behind me, which puts me in breach of the law in itself, in which case I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't, then I give up. I would suggest some US drivers take anger management classes.
No one is angry, but your insinuation shows intolerance of a differing opinion.

It's the law in most states in the USA, to keep right except to pass. I'm hope you stay in England, because you wouldn't fit in here - and we don't need more road hogs on our roads.