Originally Posted by Old Mechanic
A trooper pulled one of my customers over. He was doing 7 over in the left lane in a 60 MPH zone. The trooper told him he was obstructing the flow of traffic going that slow and he needed to move over to the right lane.
I guess if he had been going 3 MPH faster the trooper would have given him a ticket.
About 10 times since I started driving I have had a cop with lights on come up behind me, only to pass me and pull the car, in front of me, over. That was 73 in a 55 when it last happened and everyone was passing me. I don't drive like that anymore, for at least 20 years.
The average speed of traffic coming south from DC, when it is not plugged up and crawling, is probably close to 75-80 MPH. Go 55 or less on that road and you might have a Peterbilt for a trunk lid ornament. Better yet, do it on a motorcycle and buy a nice life insurance policy for someone you want to give a nice gift.
80 is wreckless in Va. I had a Prius pass me at 90 when I was driving a V12 BMW. The BMW might have been getting better fuel mileage  .
I have talked to several troopers about possibly more strict enforcement of the speed limits here which is a joke. Every one of them said the speeders were so prolific they usually look for those going over 80 which is wreckless, automatic $500 fine.
Thank you for posting this.
It's the strongest case that could possibly be made for raising the speed limit.
Read my previous posts and informative links about posted speed limits and traffic enforcement in states like yours
where virtually everyone is exceeding the limit. Your highway patrol cops aren't stupid. They understand road safety and why and how speed limits are set -
as well as what constitutes a valid reason for raising the speed limit.
No sense in complaining to the state troopers. Go petition your legislators to lower the speed limit to 21 and raise the drinking age to 55. Then they can fine everyone and raise more revenue.