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Old 08-10-2013, 06:57 PM   #183 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by songman View Post

This is not about pulling over to the right, it's about pulling off the carriageway. The number of lanes is irrelevant. You misunderstood both the poster above and myself in responding, who were both referring to pulling off the highway, and not just pulling right. Pulling (and driving) right is standard good behaviour - it doesn't need saying. Pulling off the highway is another thing entirely, and an absurd requirement - as I and I'm sure many others see it - when doing potentially barely under the maximum limit, and when the redneck racers behind can simply overtake if they're that desperate to indulge their redneck delinquencies, and when it might in itself put you in breach of the maximum limit! It's lunacy.
Lunacy my a$$. Disagree and rant all you want. The topic under discussion is the law in many states about slower traffic allowing others to pass.

You obviously do not understand what a turnout is. Go look at post #165 which gives actual photos of signs for turnouts (AKA slow vehicle lanes)

As for your comments about those who want to drive at a speed that is legally permissible as being "rednecks" your perpetual rants reek of bias, bigotry and anger.

Better stay in England. You wouldn't last long in Alaska.