Hi Smurf,
Yes it has taken much of my time getting to where I am at currently. I have settled in now though on a path and I am feeling really good about it actually. I think its gong to work out all right.
Google Sketchup no I have not tried it yet but I think its pretty cool for a free modeling design program. So far I am stuck to the pad and paper. My hopes are that I can make good enough drawings on paper and then have a professional CAD designer do up the cool 3D modeling to bring it to life. I would love to someday learn Sketchup or a similar program but right now I have more than enough on my plate getting this thing designed and built. If these next 6 months are good to me and I can make real good progress then I may take a class or two at the local community college and see what I can learn or pick up a book or two on the subject.
Thanks Smurf for your suggestions I also tend to think it would be helpful to get some cool 3D drawings going :-)