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Old 08-17-2013, 04:27 PM   #212 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by sendler View Post
I'm no MBA so I can only go on feel of the crowd and the crowd there were very interested or already all in. I do feel that the author of that article was comparing apples to oranges. Sure I get nervous when they bump the production date forward. It makes you wonder why. But my daughter has been selling new and used cars for 7 years now and said she would be able to sell a ton of those things. Finally the author doesn't have any credentials listed other than a blogger and IMHO it shows. Now can we find a reputable bean counter to tell me Elio doesn't have a chance?
With my Wrangler I average 40 mpg. Triumph Speedmaster 60 mpg + Jeep 20 mpg = 40 mpg!
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