Had a nice encounter with a trucker the other day. I was cruising at the 5mph over the posted speed limit on a three lane highway, I was in the center lane. Granted truckers can't use the fast lane though it happens, he refused to. He got in the slow lane on his first attempt and couldn't beat the slower traffic to get in front of me. He had also beeped his horn like I could have gone anywhere, there was traffic. I continued on and would have gotten over eventually but between slower traffic and people getting in either lane to pass I couldn't. The trucker got in the slow lane a second time and get 85% of his truck in front of me when he decided to merge in front of me. I don't get it, half the time you tail a rig they slow down ridiculously low, not this guy.
Then again it's common in my area, if you tail someone they slow down, most the time below the posted speed limit. Most of the time you even if your over a car length or more, then if you pass them they speed up to avoid you being in front of them.