Thread: Pizza Pan Fail
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Old 08-20-2013, 02:44 AM   #1 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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The Blazer - '00 Chevy Blazer LT
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Pizza Pan Fail

No pictures (sorry guys). I went and threw some pizza pans on my Blazer and for the first day or so I was pretty pleased. Then they warped, dented, and looked terrible on my car. Yes, I know, this is and we don't care about looks... but holy crap these look so terrible on my vehicle. Not to mention, they basically become a giant amplifier for the engine but only for the people inside the vehicle. They made the ride super loud. I will say that I could actually feel a difference while coasting. It just felt smoother.

As far as MPG gains go- I averaged about .5 MPG gain. Got significantly LESS mileage on the highway (don't know how). Anyways, I took them off. I value not shouting at my family and looking like a crackhead more than an extra .5 MPGs.

Now, if anyone knows how to combat this noise problem, PLEASE TELL ME!!!! I'll keep the pans around for a bit though. Might even make some pizza

edit: actually I will post pics tomorrow.


Last edited by jtbwatson; 08-20-2013 at 02:45 AM.. Reason: pics
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