I've had the 'you cannot post' message before as well. I think you can press the back button and your post will still be there. I've had a lot of problems between my computer and phone, so if I know it will be long and/or I will be coming back to it, I write it in a Word document (or similar on my phone) and then copy it into the webpage when I'm ready to post. One thread I wanted to start actually took me 4 times to write a REALLY long post. That's when I started using Word.
Since she is almost set with the RAV4, I can't imagine something changing her mind unless it was really necessary (or a great deal), but what about a 4Runner hybrid? I don't know if it meets your requirements from your OP, but if she drives mostly city, it might be of benefit and I imagine it would drive relatively similar to the RAV4.
Just a thought. Give us an update when she does pull the trigger!