It's sad to say, but I'll admit I don't know much about the technology in the engine. Other than techniques here, and aerodynamics, the true grit of how the engine is efficient, and what makes one engine better or worse isn't something I don't know on my own, it has to be explained to me or researched on an engine by engine basis.
My basic understanding of aerodynamics is helping me mold it into something different, and my performance has inspired me to start thinking about to the ground side skirts for the front, center, and rear, rear wheel skirts, filling in the gaps between wheels and arches, and smooth wheel covers- but it all has to look good to decent, while not disabling the car in winter.
Just driving in general makes me think of simple things Ford could implement to drastically boost fuel economy in the Mustang (and the rest of their line), but between costing money and Uh'MeraStang (Mustang owners who think it sacrilege to have decent fuel economy in a performance oriented car) hostility toward fuel economy above the teens, it will surely be a while before anything is actually done.