Originally Posted by justme1969
I worked at ford we were told.
Ford also had the first gen escape hybrid long b4 it ever went on sale at same dealership. Mabe this is a year that ford sells enough stock to not be primary share holder but you are in serious denial. mabe a bing search would help get ya through it lol.next your going to tell me Diameler groupe doesnt own dodge outrite.
Well, I guess NASDAQ must be in denial as well. Here's thier list of ownership of Cummins Stock. No mention of Ford:
Cummins Inc. (CMI) Institutional Ownership & Holdings - NASDAQ.com
Additional links:
Here's a link to Cummins' 2012 annual report. There's no mention of Ford whatsoever, except as a customer:
Cummins - AnnualReports.com
Also, here's the link for the SEC filing in 1997 when Ford sold what little share it did have of Cummins:
Cummins Inc. - SEC Filings
And, as a matter of fact, I WILL tell you that "Diameler groupe doesnt own dodge outrite". According to the Wall Street Journal, Fiat owns a majority of Chrysler (of which Dodge is part):
Fiat Increases Ownership in Chrysler to 58.5% - WSJ.com
(2nd WSJ link):
Fiat's Marchionne to Pursue Full Ownership of Chrysler - WSJ.com
And according to Bloomberg:
Fiat CEO Says Chrysler Ownership Clarity in Third Quarter - Bloomberg
And according to Reuters:
Fiat CEO: plan to buy Chrysler shares | Reuters